“Speaking of goddesses, my overall favorite collection came from Steinrohner´s diving collection. I was be-freakin´-witched right from the get-go, which definitely had something to do with the opening track reminding me of this Reiki YouTube video I often play on loop before bed, because Ambien is so two years ago. Something Steinrohner and I have in common is affinity for sheer everything. Also, patent thigh-highs. I was so down with the collection´s Girl Power, owning-your-beautifulness-and-sexuality fashion feels. I also enjoyed the sartorial sprinkles of Christina Applegate in Don´t Tell Mom the Babysitter´s Dead moments. I personally think Rihanna should get Steinrohner on the phone, ASAP, I could picture her pumping down the Victoria Secret´s runway, as she iconically did in 2012 during her performance of “Phresh Off the Runway,” in Steinrohner´s lingerie-as-eveningwear naughty numbers. Steinrohner better work, work, work, work…!).” (Alex Catarinella)